January 11, 2019
Hello dear ones, in my last post I had reported that I am physically just a bissi and will ask Moscow, if an earlier date is possible. Well, I have received an answer. My appointment is brought forward. Specifically, this means that I will fly to Moscow next month on the 18th of February!
I am very happy about that, because in between I was worried that I would not be able to do it until April. As long as the walking ability exists, the chances of treatment are very good. And last night I had trouble to come to the pizzeria, which is 140m away.
That’s why I’m very, very happy about the advanced date!
But that also means that I have to transfer earlier, on 31.01.2019. As you can see, I still miss something. And since I now need the remaining money relatively quickly, it helps me:
Fire department!!
Ta tü ta taaaaaaa!!
Tomorrow, on the 12th of January, the annual Christmas tree fire of the youth fire brigade will take place in Rüsselsheim-Bauschheim. The volunteer fire department Rüsselsheim-Bauschheim invited me to be there with a small booth and a donation pot. VERY MUCH!!
So if you want to come over:
Tomorrow on Saturday between 18:00 and 21:00 on the field opposite Globus market!
There is mulled wine, hot Organgensaft, Bratworscht in bread and a big fire bright! 🔥🔥🔥 Maybe you see me riding the broom over it, Schaumermal;) I’ll report!
I would like to tell you another nice story. On 12.12.2018, that was the day on which took place in the district office GG the Kuchenbazar, a couple completely unfamiliar to me came to me. Later they told me that they were at the building office and then happened to pass the delicious cake. They ate a few pieces and then talked to me if they could take some flyers to distribute them. They run an event company for weddings and there would always be something … well, why not. There was a knock on my office door earlier this week. I was just talking and very surprised – I did not recognize the two immediately. “Do you remember, we met at the cake, we wanted to donate …” – Yes! And so the two handed me an envelope with 500 € !! Just like that … because they like doing that, they said. I would like to thank with all my heart Songül & Erhan von Koray Events Goddelau
I would also like to thank the many lovely people who have supported me in the background again … A HEART THANK YOU goes to the work colleague of my mom, Elisabeth Westermeier and her family!
It continues to support me so many people. People whose names say nothing to me and who nevertheless accompany me. Special people, also back from work. And so dear neighbors! Thank you very much, with all my heart.
A particularly special person who supported me is Milos Lazic from Frankfurt am Main. Especially because he was still in the clinic in Moscow in September to be treated there. Thank you Milos, that you have contacted me and described to me the clinic and the process in such detail – and consistently positive!
Now that the new date is so close … this donation party feeling is slowly fading and giving way to a certain sincerity. Phase 2 of Katjas-Chance begins. And I know that so many people have brought me into this second phase … many thanks for that. You carried me to this place. Me your untiring support. With your ideas and your own initiatives. That’s so great and it’s such an incredible story! In such a short time we have brought so much money together. I thank you with all my heart that you give me my big chance … that could not be bigger and more valuable. I have only one THANK YOU for it since the beginning. It’s a big thank you and it comes from the bottom of my heart, it’s a HEART THANK YOU. At first it was hard for me to have just this thank you. Meanwhile, I have understood that I can and should accept this support simply – to get well again. It’s not just an amount you transfer or hand over to me. It is a statement. And it is the wish that I can do that. If so many people are keeping their fingers crossed – then I’ll make it! Many, many HEARTTHANK!
- Elisabeth Westermeier&Familie
- Kathrin Prenzel
- Helga Scharfenbaum-Päplow
- Mark Schaumlöffel
- Elif Türkoglu
- Helena Saslawski
- Matthias Weidlich
- Ulrich Adams
- Elisabeth Westermeier
- Anna Andresen
- Valentina Zelmer
- Christoph Kohnen
- Stefan Anonym
- Larissa Kister
- Eckart Backofen
- Gianni Tomasulo
- Erik Van Alphen