Tuesday, 26.02.2019
Dear Ones … Yesterday I told you about my success, that I successfully mastered the big, scary ZVK. I was really very proud of that. 😉 I sometimes felt a bit like from the movie “Matrix” or happen to be a guest at the Russian Nasa;) These may be the special impressions, the sedative, the cortisone and the lack of sleep, what me here and again funny thoughts brings …
This morning Dr. Federenko then pushed the dialysis machine or stem cell collector into my room. So I had the opportunity to stay in my room, which I found very pleasant.
The machine stated that I have 3.6 liters of blood, which now rushes through the dialysis a few times within the next 5 hours to filter plasma from blood and just the stem cells. This was then separated in the individual plastic bags.
I was a bit tired, but like Dr. Federenko always likes to say: 💪 ready to fight MS!
Little by little, my stem cells gathered in the bag next to my pillow … What an exciting sight that was … my future … 🌈

Welcome my first stem cell babies🌱🐞💞 – you will become the basic substance for my new life🐛🦋
And just as I am, I talked to my stem cells very well and explained to them that they can enjoy the Ice Age again while the doctors destroy the universe “body” in which they actually live and work perform a reset … The reason is because everything just does not work as it should. But after that they will be transplanted back into good framework conditions – in order to be able to start their mission as an effective immune cell 🙏- Jippie!
Yes …. sometimes it is important for me to deal with circumstances in such a way.
And behold, surprisingly, Dr. Federenko this afternoon already informed that my stem cells were very lively, that we have collected enough stem cells, tomorrow no new collection is necessary uuuuund: me my ZVK will be drawn tonight … And so it happened:
So that’s kind of a rollercoaster ride ….
– Yesterday I had taken all my courage together (which was not easy), brave my great fear and overcome this with flying colors – I would have liked to walk my “pride” for some time longer … – and there will be ZVK actually pulled back today !!
Supposedly because I was so positive that it just ran faster than planned, Dr. Federenko. Hm yes …. maybe also because I only have 3.6 liters of blood, I say. Anyway, a little sadness is there. Such a great fear, whose overcoming I could only briefly enjoy.
But …. is not that bad, says dr. Federenko: Tomorrow morning I’ll get a new ZVK !!! Waaaaaaaas? Roller coaster ride I tell you ..
Relaxation is very important here;) The new ZVK will be smaller and much more comfortable. He then serves chemo and also to bring back the stem cells. For this it simply does not need the large ZKV, which could also cause infections.
So it’s time to bite your teeth together tomorrow morning or relax.
I’m glad that everything is going so fast. On the other hand, I am also overwhelmed. Most of the time I am happy, that is my mood, which rests above and below everything stable. But there are also moments when I cry. Moments in which I realize how fast it all went and how much zeal and kindness you brought me here. That still sometimes overwhelms me. Sometimes I even cry when friends or acquaintances talk about the imminent and positive future – here I quickly realize that this is going too fast for me and that I am not even here at this moment. Likewise, I also get laughing fits and get overwhelmed by situation comics … as I just described with the NASA idea … Here my mind sometimes turns with me and I just go with it. These are the nerves and I think that’s normal. I just let it happen. Because the bottom line is that I’m just very, very happy to be allowed to fight.
The chemo probably starts on 28.02.2019. I will keep you up to date.
Oh, I’ve been asked a couple of times for pain now: no, I do not have any. Yesterday I had a little bone pain, but not worth mentioning. On the other hand, I let myself be given something and I felt better immediately. I’m pretty tired and exhausted. – Apart from the mood swings;), which I could ascribe a little bit to my personality. Or just the overall circumstances, because it’s really an exceptional situation, which I experience here. I have not experienced any pain or scary events yet, nor have I had any experience with my fellow patients.
Have a nice evening and Spokoynoy nochi! ⭐
Liebe Katja,
immer wieder mit Spannung lese ich deine Berichte. Es ist unglaublich, wie du damit umgehst und das meisterst. Ich sitze hier vor meinem PC und bin voll dabei. Ich lache wie du, und dann hab ich wieder Tränen in den Augen. Ich drücke dir weiterhin alle meine Daumen und wünsche dir alles Gute für die nächste Zeit.
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Petra, von ganzem Herzen vielen lieben Dank für deine Anteilnahme und dass du mir diese offen mitteilst. Das ist sooo schön! Fühl dich lieb umarmt!