Course of treatment

Overall, the stay in Moscow takes 30 to 40 days.


Sequence of stem cell transplantation in Moscow, simply explained:

1. Fish stem cells – Früher musste man Knochenmark aus dem Beckenknochen abnehmen, um dort an die sozusagen Baby-Stammzellen zu gelangen. Inzwischen kann man diese medikamentös dazu bringen, den Knochen zu verlassen und ins Blut zu schwimmen. Dort werden sie abgefischt und eingefroren.

2. Destroy the (ill) immune system – Using chemotherapy, the immune system is deleted. All cells in the blood that have learned to attack the body’s own nervous tissue are now eliminated.

3. The baby stem cells are used – The previously fused baby stem cells are now thawed and returned to the blood.

4. Isolation – Since the immune system practically does not exist yet and is formed only by means of the baby stem cells, the body no longer has a functioning defense system and the most normal bacterium can be life-threatening. Therefore, I am isolated in a sterile as possible and receive no visit.

5. Departure and aftercare in Germany – The immune system is still not fully functional, but with mouth protection, caution and antibiotics I may leave the clinic and fly home. The follow-up then consists of recovery time as well as regular blood count checks, avoidance of people gathering in the first months, wearing a mask etc.



Here is a detailed description of the process: