*Thank you*

27.November 2018

Hello my dears…

I would like to tell you how it came to this great website and the great flyers. For this I owe to special people who support me almost tirelessly until today.

During the creation and maintenance of this website, my best friend and longtime friend Christian Wulsch helped me, it is also his server on which we write and read here 🙂 Christian actually works as a doctor in Laubach – which does not stop him to constantly assist me with any change requests or problems that arise with regard to the website. Without him something would go wrong here all the time … I THANK YOU, Wulschi! Also for all the conversations that we have been conducting so deeply for years and for having been with me for so long and now.

The great flyers I have together with my girlfriend (and I think it’s so beautiful that I now call them a valuable friend) Evelyn Lo Schiavo designed – an artist who also works as a graphic designer. The cooperation with her was so harmonious, our ideas were born together more from the heart than from the head and I THANK YOU, Evelyn from the heart – for that you are just in my life and accompany me like a soul mate.

And the pictures – yeah, that’s a special story! For the pictures I thank Sebastian Lapke, an excellent amateur photographer from Frankfurt. Sebastian and I were in the same class together at the same elementary school. We lost sight of ourselves for many years. For the pictures we have seen each other again after a good 25 years! Sebastian has been Luke’s father for two days! 😉 And in spite of the tense time, which is connected with the fatherhood, he has taken the extra time for the pictures, I THANK YOU, Sebastian! So nice to meet you again, wow – especially at this time. And I am so glad that it is you who took the pictures of me – that makes my whole “journey” easy and gives good energy!

Here is a series of pictures that Sebastian posted on Instagram – I think that’s great, thank you, Sebastian!



THANKS to the people who accompany and support me! With all my heart, a thousand thanks for your support! I’ll say it again .. you are paving the way for my existential chance to continue to enjoy this life … THANK YOU just is not enough for that – but it’s really coming very, very deep from my heart! It is a thought of the heart. A heartthanking for:


  • Axel Landau
  • Frank Anonym
  • Monika Salzmann
  • Karl-Heinz Schneider
  • Rainer Burger
  • Jennifer Schett
  • Stefanie Blümel
  • Petra&Pavel Belik
  • Martin Baumann
  • Renate Antony-Germann
  • Dirk Schneier
  • Beatrix Preß
  • Gabriele Anonym
  • Luisa Anonym
  • Barbara Leonelli
  • Daniela Rettig
  • Maik Matthäus
  • Talisa Schmidt
  • Peter Neufeld
  • Claudia Anonym
  • Sarah Walter
  • Petra&Thomas Hieronimus
  • Sabrina Key
  • Maike Anonym
  • Markus Fischer
  • Nicole Anonym
  • Kerstin Twardawa
  • Nadine Martin

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